Friday, December 31, 2010

S10 Gas Mask Voice Amplifier

"Einen Guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr"

To all my dear comment writers!

I try the same yet to start a blog visit Round.
(Please be not disappointed if I do not just "your" blog creation).

but I wish you all a happy (please do not take literally * grin / our Road conditions are terrible at the moment)

So good luck, happiness and health for the New Year 2011!

24.00 Clock
point I would also like to drink with you, but unfortunately you're too far away. Schaaaaaaaaaade! Drum then only with the family.

But all the development community - I'll just minutes by 5. after midnight - drink to your health! Prösterchen! I have this year met so many great, nice people and I am grateful for.

Much love
Susanne, the craft butterfly

Monday, December 27, 2010

Watch Pinky Brain Online Free

Weihnachtspost / Weihnachtskarte

Hello dear readers!
The beautiful Christmas is already over now, of course, but still I want to tell you my Christmas mail which arrived just in time for Christmas Eve to show briefly.
I say many thanks!

... from dear Anja ...

... from dear Barbara ...

... from dear Claudia ...

... from dear Lissy ...

... from dear Nicole ...

...dann hatte ich noch von Katrin - Trinchen den Umschlag, den ich erst am 24.12. öffnen durfte....

...und aus unserem Forum hat mir die liebe Rosi diese tollen Sachen zum Weihnachtswichteln geschickt...

Ihr seid alle sooooooooo super - klasse - lieb....vielen, vielen Dank, das ihr an mich gedacht habt....ein ganz dickes Bussi....
...dann sind meine Karten hoffentlich auch alle angekommen....

...und these things Michaela Christmas Secret Santa has to get from me ...
I wish you a nice evening

many greetings
Susanne, the craft butterfly

Friday, December 24, 2010

Mount N Blade Expantion Pack


My dear readers!
I wish you a Merry Christmas.
let you indulge, enjoy the holidays without stress.

Much love
Susanne, the craft butterfly

Ps Very nice Christmas mail me or Nicole, Babs, Claudia and Lissy achieved. Put it another. Thank you!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How Long Do Waffles Keep In Refrig

Still your streets!

Gut zwei Monate sind nach Aufhängung der Schilder vergangen, da hat sich eine Reaktion ergeben. Die HAZ berichtete von einer "Initiative", die sich zum Ziel gesetzt habe, öffentlich darüber zu diskutieren, ob hannoversche Straßennamen zu viel Militarismus widerspiegeln.

Die Diskussion scheint langsam im Gange, das Thema hat mit der "Umbenennung" der Wißmannstr. in der Südstadt und der Diskussion um den Namen der Elkartallee eine neue Aktualität gewonnen. Und die Reaktion?Nachdem zwei Monate nach Anbringen der Schilder nichts passierte, überwiegend negativ. Woran liegt das? Es lassen sich in den Kommentaren auf dieser Page, who make up Disussionsseite the HAZ and on the website of another blog different arguments.

First of all, is obviously a pain to be heard, to shoulder the burden that would bring the possible renaming of streets with it.
Such is undeniable. A conversion / renaming of roads, no doubt would prefer a lot of consequences, which we mentioned in our previous post way. It would apply to go through a complicated administrative procedures to make and many other hurdles.
This argument ignores, however, we believe two things: First, once with no immediate word was renamed as the Walderseestr.. required. On the contrary, we wanted to invite a discussion. Des has also, so running Smithee , there is also the possibility of an "apparent name change," such as happened in the Wissmannstr.
And the question is allowed, it was also made in the first post: If the above opportunity for any reason whatsoever, no question, when the point is reached, justifying a name change?

Another line of argument is the following, which we think to say the least, seem appropriate. It is the practice other cities and countries, specifically on "the French" therein. Certainly, you take about a Paris city map on hand, it is noticeable to the interested viewer of the interested observer that the majority (!) Is the cities and places in battles and even more so named for the military. But why should this practice affect a Hanoverian discussion? The preoccupation with the "own" story is certainly different in France operated as on this side of the Rhine and also has his reasons. Forget history, as a comment on our post accusing us, the debate about the justification of street names in any case is not!

Ganz ab vom Schuss ist es aus unserer Sicht übrigens auch, in revanchistischer Manier auf die Seeblockade des Deutschen Reichs durch England oder die militärischen Taten der Franzosen zu verweisen. Wenn die stolz sind, dürfen wir das auch, wenn die nicht darüber diskutieren, bleiben auch wir Gewohnheitstier. Bei solch einer Argumentation muss sich doch dem geschichtlich interessierten Leser / der geschichtlich interessierten Leserin der Magen umdrehen !

Von Seiten einiger Kommentatoren wird uns weiterhin vorgeworfen, dass wir uns und unsere Stadt lächerlich machten, gewissermaßen das Ansehen Hannovers beschmutzen. Was, bitteschön, soll damit gemeint sein? Was beschämt Sie an einer ehrlichen Diskussion über Ehrennamen, was lässt Sie denken, eine solche wäre kleinlich? Was ist peinlich daran, darüber zu diskutieren, ob ein Alfred von Waldersee, der in China kein Pardon gab, die Ehre verdient, eine hannoversche Prachtstraße nach sich benannt zu wissen.

Eins noch : Laut der Stadt Hannover ist eine Umbenennung vorzunehmen, wenn "die geehrte Person Ziele und Wertvorstellungen verkörpert, die im Widerspruch zu der Verfassung oder Menschenrechten stehen, und der geehrten Person schwerwiegende persönliche Handlungen (zum Beispiel Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit, Rassismus, Kriegsverbrechen) oder die aktive Mitwirkung in einem Unrechtssystem zuzuschreiben . Are "(quoted in

Monday, August 30, 2010

Moncler Outlet Wodbury

your streets!

Have you ever wondered who names the streets through which you go What person, what place, or perhaps that special feature that achievement in a street name manifests And: What do you think the honor should justify such a designation actually

Every day we pass roads and their names indicating signs, we find it in the map, in the company name, and thus in advertising A. Street naming is not only for their official opening with a champagne reception and unveiling of the sign bit, is to have the stock. It also provides therefore something of lasting is because a name change is very complicated: it is time-consuming and expensive and can cause confusion. In a city like Hanover, a considerable number of roads, for all it was, and to find names.

But this is reason enough, in and among the more than human shields high pass carelessly, often several times a day and just as often unaware of importance and origin of the name?
roads are not only named after birds, craft guilds, twin cities and surrounding communities, but also by (mostly male) characters. There are in our beautiful city, a musician and a philosopher district whose streets named after late, more or less known and deserved persons.

And there is the library. A large part of the local streets after battles of the 19th Century military and named variables. You remember, of course, very German, about the Battle of Sedan in September 1870 in the Franco-German War. In it, killing more than 6,000 people. A reason to rejoice? One reason the German victory at Sedan to dedicate a street?

The liberation war are reflected in the map of the library. Almost 20,000 people died in September 1813 in the Battle of Dennewitz. The Dennewitzstr. is the victory of the Prussian army dedicated.

A much larger Part is named after famous military leaders. Amazingly, this can be found at a variety of Prussian generals who defeated among others the so-called "German War" in 1866 and annexed the Kingdom of Hanover. Allen honored in common is that they were military commander of some standing. They beat battles, mostly successful, otherwise they would not have been honored. And not all represent the great moments Hanoverian, Prussian, German and European history.

Alfred Graf von Waldersee (1832-1904), 1866, first in the Royal Prussian Adjutant General Headquarters, 1870/71 then adjutant of the Prussian king, later ascended to the influential Deputy Field Marshal Helmuth Graf von Moltke, and thus politically of some significance, developed in the 1880s plans for a preemptive war against France and Russia. His plan was further developed and implemented in the first world war as a "Schlieffen plan" under völkerrechtswidrger violation of Belgian neutrality. In 1897, he claimed (unsuccessfully) the renewal of Bismarck's repressive measures against the Social Democrats before he was named 1900 General Field Marshal. In the same year he received the command of the intervention forces of the European colonial powers. These should be in China the so-called "Boxer Rebellion" . Counter Waldersee and German troops in July 1900 adopted by Kaiser Wilhelm II with the Huns speech ("No quarter will be given, no prisoners taken."). The "Boxer Rebellion" in China was brutally crushed under his leadership, the implementation measures required by Kaiser Wilhelm II in action.

Albrecht von Roon (1803-1879), after which the Lister Roonstr. named, initially trained as a classical Prussian military career. In 1849 he participated as Chief of General Staff of the VIII Army Corps in the bloody suppression of the Baden Revolution and was then a colonel, and later promoted to major general. A major policy Role played Roon Prussian constitutional conflict in the early 1860s. He was a major advocate of the Wilhelmine army reorganization, and on the side of Bismarck's willing to enforce them with funds under absolute elimination of democratic approaches in the Prussian House of Representatives. On the side he followed Bismarck, now as Prussian Minister of War, the blood-and-iron policy of his prime minister. In his tenure as minister of war fall of the German-Danish war in 1864, the German war in 1866 and the Franco-German war of 1870-71 with countless dead.

Two other examples from the Calenberger Neustadt, another district of Hanover. Waterloo Square, with three subway lines, equipped with a hard court, often consisted of circus tents. Its name commemorates the Battle of Waterloo, or French: Belle-Alliance, 18 June 1815 and, above all, commemorates the victory including the Prussian and Hanoverian armies. In this battle, nearly 50,000 people were killed or wounded.

Weddige The bank, also located in the Neustadt Calenberger reminiscent Weddigen Otto (1882-1915). This was one of the first U-boat commander in World War II. His success in the form of firings of enemy ships have been celebrated in Germany. One was particularly enthusiastic in this country of three of the (international law) sinking merchant ships. His Death at sea was exploited for propaganda purposes in the subsequent period, Weddigen transfigured into a war hero. In all these moving

name we go by every day, generally went without thinking about the meaning. Why the name of our roads as they are called?

tradition is more than mere habit, it contributes significantly to the identification with home and neighborhood. But it requires the reflection of those concerned about the practices and the continuous review and to the changing standards over time. Historical amnesia also helps the tradition further.

Weddigen, Waldersee, Waterloo - as much an expression of enthusiasm for war can a city like Hanover, in the second world war with many deaths, including civilians, and about 50% destruction ravaged afford, before they and their citizens are accused of historical amnesia have to put up?

be done to open-ended discussion about whether the Prussian militarism is timely to Lister street signs, a reflection of what history and the historical acts combined with the exhibited names and last but not least the high look of each of the signs, the investigation its importance, especially at a time that the information required for a matter of Seconds makes.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Indeks Of/gallery/mature/jpg

and here again a few that are created and challenges

now and then you just have one way or scrapping for Challenges-
and I once again made my will-yes
blog then again to date have
This is for a Speed \u200b\u200bScrap Challenge created
credits: dream little mouse by NLD
pics and WA by me
and here for a Scrap-Journey-in I degree in the template Journey
credits: Best Laid Plans by MG Cozzi Inc dba DigitalScrapbookArtisanGuild
TP by Stephinette
here, the Journey :-)
credits: Tenderness by sue & ombria
Template by petit lips

Journaling :
My little princess ...
These photos are now already 5 years old.
only as you grow there and are now a big girl,
go to first grade and up are developing more and more and
are so no longer my little girl but my greatness!
I love you!
And the next one is the same behind other :-)
credits: Paint in Colours by Bellisae
pics by majula
TP by Latham
this is also created for a Template Challenge
credits: I Do Believe by NLD
Template by Dutch Diva Design
das hier war auch für die Journey- aber da war ich noch
in der Lift-Journey unterwegs
credits:pics by anina
lift by jankacz
rest by me
das hier hab ich irgendwo gefunden- leider weiß ich nicht mehr von wem das
TP ist...
credits: bokehtextures_kasiadesigns

das hier yesterday for a Speed \u200b\u200bScrap Challenge originated
credits: WA by Red Elf
Ribbon and String by majula
kit Escapade by Boudinette
Pic by nerve dwarf
reminds me of grad was also for the Journey in the lift area
credits: A Little Piece of Summer by Sussi Design
Pics by Majula
lift by Rakusia
and my absolute LieblingsLO ...
the template I stole from Dramona-it was a whole
template packages-but until now I have only this one verbastelt
A template better than the
credits: Garden in the Sky by Thailiris
TP by Dramona
and what can I say :-) - Dramona asked me if I
in March and April a guest may be in their CT-human
grad I am looking so huge about this offer!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

How Much Is A Oil Change For A Mini Cooper

guest at CT Pixelfairy

Jaaaaaaaa * smile * I may participate in February and March as a guest on CT pixel Fairy!
Could also two kits verbasteln of her once-only one of her own and a Collabkit of her and MeKa design
See you here out my works

Here I am by Pixel Fairy-Desing available @

Little Rascal by Pixel Fairy and Meka design available @

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Can A 25 Mg Tab Of Promethazine Be Split In Half


Alex and I make a Bavarian- Scraptists
the ADSR Challenge with-
Here out in our works for the Challenge
The Alex here has made about me :-)
credits: MDesign
pic and lift by Bella

credits: Lust by belvidotti
pic and lift by Angeleye

my 2nd Challenge for the ADSR Challenge

5 things about something that I love
5 photos, which are seen on a number 5 had
5 different elements of the same variety
5 different fonts (Alphas oder Fonts)
und halt elemente die wir noch selber dazugeben

credits: The essence of spring by NLD und ON-Design
fonts: bulky Refuse, Alpha Mack, kevinundamanda, Bambini, Desyrel

und nun hat auch Alex das LO fertig! *freu*
Hier darf ich euch ihr LO vorstellen

credits: petit prints by fanfan rue des anges
butterflies by fanette
alpha by akizo
fonts used: augie, black rose, smudger let, curlz mt, james fajardo

The New Alice In Wonderland Cake Kits

some news-

hab mal wieder ein paar Sachen gebastelt.
Meine liebe Anja hatte Geburtstag.
Hab ihr ne kleine Überaschung gebastelt.
credits: Live to Love by NLD
pics by Anjas

und auch Laurin wurde von mir verscrapt.
credits: garden in the sky by thailiries
lift by eranslow
pics by anjas
WA by me
und auch für LM-Design I'm at a speed Scrap Challenge
created what.
creduts: zestw_MKM_by_jolagg
pics by LM-design
and also when I do ScrapJourney grad with
we are currently in a lift Journey

credits: elements - Summer Painting by Design Kimla
Paper - Tenderness by Sue & Ombria
WA by Bantina
              Kite -  The Tendernes Moments by NLD
              Pics by Yvonne
              lift by gonewiththewind
frame and the way houses are self-made :-)

[IMG] 20scraps/Girlklein.jpg [/ IMG]
I Do Believe by NLD
lift by Missi
pics by Anina

credits: Instant of Time by Zalinka
lift by Angel Jet
SenceIceTional by NLD
Pic by me
lift by Magellan