Thursday, December 10, 2009

Monica Roccaforte Wedding

column, "Our daily beer" - 11.12.09


- Gojko Kacar playing under the new Hertha Coach Friedhelm Funkel been no major role. The Serb has mutated out of shape for some time and in the last weeks of hope for Benchwarmers. At 0-2 to Schalke on Sunday sat Kacar even 90 long minutes on the bench. "I do not know why," said the midfielder. In order not ignorant like to go in the future, there are talks soon.

The "BZ" to have learned that it was a week before Christmas, scheduled an emergency meeting between coach Funkel, manager Michael Preetz and Kacar's uncle and adviser, Milan Kacar, to determine the role of the 22-year-old strategist. The BZ speculated that Kacar will force a change, should his nephew no regular place guarantee offered. Due to the upcoming World Cup Kacar necessarily need regular assignments, he wants in South Africa, for example, on 18 June against the DFB-Elf accrue.

"It depends on the offer," concludes Ingo Schiller, financial boss of Berlin, winter sales not always made. If the threat of a descent would bring Kacar in the summer much less than the approximately 10 million €, which can Hertha whether the contract be by 2012. Allegedly, with Fiorentina and Juventus interested in two Italian giants to Kacar, Schalke will also put in touch with him.

- At Werder Bremen, despite the impeccable season a few open sites to be closed in winter. One is the position of the left defender. With the Tunisian Aymen Abdennour is currently a player for that position in the training sample that is observed for some time. Sporty one is already convinced: "It is active and is reflected das wider, was wir von ihm im vorhinein gesehen haben", sagt Werder-Coach Thomas Schaaf auf "". Nun wolle man ihn persönlich kennenlernen.

Kommt Abdennour, der noch bis 2014 an den tunesischen Klub ES du Sahel gebunden ist, im Winter fest an die Weser, dürfte das Kapitel Dusko Tosic endgültig beendet sein. Der Serbe spielt bei Schaaf überhaupt keine Rolle, soll nach Möglichkeit abgegeben werden. Wie auch im Falle Jurica Vranjes sei "Bewegung da", wird Manager Klaus Allofs in der "Bild" zitiert. Vranjes, im Mittelfeld zuhause, kommt seit Jahren nicht wirklich auf die Beine, sein Abgang im Winter ist wahrscheinlich.

Mit Marcelo Moreno taucht Furthermore, an additional name on the list of possible departures on. The "Bild" reported that Moreno is to be released in the winter. The Bolivians came in the summer on loan from Shakhtar Donetsk, could hardly put in scene.

- Seydou Doumbia thought probably more options than. War in the last days of interest from Stuttgart and Hoffenheim talk, now lined up Bayer Leverkusen and Tottenham Hotspur in the queue of potential buyers for the Ivorians one. This was confirmed by his advisor Jean-Bernard Beytrison. However, the fast forward of the Ivory Coast, after the Substitution against Germany not only for his goal in the 2-1 his class was to leave "until the summer," his club Young Boys Berne, cited the "kicker" Beytrison. The contacts are not yet concrete.

Manager Jan 1899-Schindelmeiser Doumbia, meanwhile, has observed on Sunday in a 1-0 win over Neuchatel. Exceptionally, the 21-year-old was no match. He is still at 17 goals in season now 16 games.

- Doumbia on their heels, but much cheaper, is Ideye Brown, another African talent. With 13 hits, the 21-year-old Nigerian in the service of Neuchatel Xamax is number two of the top scorers of the Swiss Super League.

VfB Stuttgart, despite the resurrection of their storm in the Champions League game gegen Unirea Urziceni, weiter auf der Suche nach einem Angreifer und hat nach "Kicker"-Informationen eben Brown ins Visier genommen. Der U-20-Nationalspieler Nigerias spielt seit zwei Jahren in der Super League und ist dem Neu-Coach der Schwaben, Christian Gross, daher gut bekannt. Dank des Achtelfinaleinzugs stehen Stuttgart zusätzliche Einnahmen zur Verfügung, von denen rund drei Millionen in einen Brown-Transfer fließen könnten, spekuliert der "Kicker".


- Bayer Leverkusens Mittelfeldspieler Lars Bender konnte die Reise nach Berlin am Donnerstagnachmittag nicht antreten. Aufgrund von Meniskusproblemen fällt der 20-Jährige für das letzte Auswärtsspiel des Jahres am Freitag aus.

- Mimoun Azaouagh kehrt in den Kader des VfL Bochum zurück. Nach überstandener Muskelverletzung soll der Mittelfeldspieler in der Partie gegen den FC Bayern zum Einsatz kommen.

Für Diego Klimowicz ist die Hinrunde dagegen vorzeitig beendet. Der ohnehin gesperrte Angreifer leidet an einer leichten Lungenentzündung. Darüber hinaus plant VfL- Trainer Heiko Herrlich für die verbleibenden beiden Spiele bis zur Winterpause ohne die Rekonvaleszenten Philipp Bönig und Anthar Yahia .

- Mit Vedad Ibisevic und Andreas Ibertsberger in der Anfangsformation geht Trainer Ralf Rangnick the game from 1899 Hoffenheim vs Eintracht Frankfurt.

Ibisevic had last been banished to the bench. Ibertsberger was missing because of his father's funeral. Before that, he could not play because of broken bones in his face. But have to fit the injured national player Andreas Beck and locked Maicosuel .

"The players have said that we do this year in the top five," Rangnick said of the new season goal of his professional.


Jens Lehmann was at the game against Unirea Urziceni pretty well under pressure. In the literal sense. You had to look twice

to to realize what the VfB keeper in the 80th Minute of the Champions League match was doing behind the gang. The colleagues of the goalkeeper was busy at that time with an attack on the opponent's goal. Lehmann took the opportunity, jumped on the band, knelt down next to a camera bag and then returned - as if nothing had happened - back in his box. And all are wondering: Did he actually peed behind the band? The television pictures suggest. Lehmann would not confirm his trip. He just grinned and said: "I was as nervous as ever before."

Subsequent consequences Lehmann must not fear - at least not because of his pee-trip. Another issue likely to are things that can cause even more trouble. The comments, which he had criticized before the game with VfB board, his teammates and the fans will be consequences. Manager Horst Heldt is furious - and extremely disappointed. "These are statements that we can not tolerate," he thundered: "The timing was wrong, and the statements were completely false."

What will the consequences be, Heldt did not want to reveal. "There are many ways to sanction," he said. After the players had a day off yesterday, the manager will sit down well on Friday with the goalkeeper. "I will respond, in consultation with my fellow board members and the coaching team."

from a fine to the separation in the winter break, everything seems possible. What Horst Heldt says sounds reasonable at any rate dramatically. "In a normal employee-employer relationship, there are an average of the warning I think after two or three warnings is Announce announced I'm no expert, I would first time my wife (. a lawyer) to ask. " Then the manager rowed back but at least something: "For us, in football's all a bit different - there are some intermediate steps."


changed in the summer, two young offensive players from second division side Rot-Weiss Ahlen in the Bundesliga. Kevin Grosskreutz and Marco Reus - until then relatively unknown on the national level - have established themselves within a few months at their clubs Dortmund and Gladbach.

A similarity is immediately apparent: both Reus and Grosskreutz Dortmund guys are fast. Marco Reus, born in '89, played up to the U 19 at the Borussia, moved in 2006 to red and white. Grosskreutz, a year older, was in 2002, retired from the C-youth of Dortmund, because he did not satisfy the physical requirements. The other youth teams, he went through in Ahlen.

About Ahlener junior section both have the leap into the first team managed by them in the 2008 2 League rose.

Marco and Kevin have technically been brought almost everything you need, "says her former coach Christian Wück. "Only in tactical questions they had deficits. The experienced players like Ronny foot or Lars Toborg them have since been getting good tips. Was crucial, however, that they have accepted this willingly. They were really two types willing to learn."

On the ascent had also Reus and Grosskreutz even decisive role, as Wück stressed: "The team was aware that there are two really great talent in their ranks, the well can sometimes win a game single-handedly."

When the two a higher league showed their qualities, It was only a matter of time, attention to the clubs from the top floor were.

"What's special that they can play to their excellent technique in the highest speed," says Wück. "This is the factor why they succeed now and in the Bundesliga. In addition irrepressible will and not least the required gate drive."

So both now play again for Borussia. But while Grosskreutz is his dearest childhood dream has come true and signed a three-year contract in Dortmund, Reus went to another Borussia Moenchengladbach after.

a decision he now regrets not likely to have. Reus is a regular, high performers and - even though he may not like to hear - from media and fans have been charged to the legitimate successor Marko Marin.

The comparison with that migrated to Bremen midfielder is obvious, not only because of the name and the purely visual similarity. Reus' game understanding and instinct are comparable to Marin, his defense behavior better than attacking midfielder maybe even a bit.

Wück For there is no question that his former protege is on a "steep way up." Only he could not stand and patience he must have come as one or the other will break.

Grosskreutz just needed more time until he could prevail under Jürgen Klopp has now twice but Nelson Valdez displaced from the starting lineup and scored his first against Nuremberg Bundesliga goal.

That this happened in front of the north stand, not of the infamous yellow wall of the South Stand, was by his own admission his great happiness. Otherwise, he probably would not have to hold them to storm the fence and pick up a yellow card for exuberant rejoicing.

The reason for the euphoria is easily explained: even to Ahlener times he will be taking to pursue the one or other home game of the black-yellow spot. His father is on each Heimspiel zugegen, hat seinen Sohn schon mit vier Jahren das erste Mal mit ins Stadion genommen. "Es gab Situationen, da musste ich ihm verbieten, Freitagabends in Dortmund ins Stadion zu gehen, weil wir am nächsten Tag ein Spiel hatten", erinnert sich Wück.

Für seine Borussia geht Großkreutz nun auf dem Platz die langen Wege. Hoffenheims Trainer Ralf Rangnick war derart beeindruckt von der läuferischen Leistung des 21-Jährigen beim Dortmunder Auswärtssieg im Kraichgau, dass er seinen eigenen Jungs den Borussen als Vorbild empfahl.

Dass der Weg für Marco Reus und Kevin Großkreutz steil nach oben führt, scheint vorgezeichnet. Dass das aber gerade bei Reus nicht zu schnell gehen soll, daran is the Gladenbacher located. With recent rumors discomfort there were taken to an appeal from Reus to the national team. One should not succumb

hype and do not burn the boy is to hear from the environment of the club.

Wück also considers these considerations is premature: "Sooner or later, the step will be national team, I'm sure, but now he has to stabilize first the club and the league.."

And to be yet Reus stoking especially in the power sector. A weak point that he - like so many strengths too - tells Grosskreutz. "Marco knows himself that he is a Linnet. And Kevin has to continue on his physique work, "says Wück." As individual programs must be developed in order to mend. "

origin, Opening in Ahlen, now is the success in the Bundesliga. Besides many similarities, there are some differences between the two shooting stars. Wück "Marco is technically perhaps even a bit further. But Kevin has an incredible Torgeilheit. "

Even in dealing with the public, they reveal a difference. During Reus shuns contact with media and reserved in interviews, observed Grosskreutz is much more extroverted.

pleased The particular his fans and friends in Dortmund, for which he even has its own Column on the fan portal " writes. There you can read how it feels when you are the one great childhood dream fulfilled.


Aaron Hunt after difficult years with many injuries finally arrived back in the first team of Werder Bremen and now even the national team. The 23-year-old Bremer is a real boy, was educated in his own boarding school - and yet he still hesitates with his contract extension with Werder.
In the interview, Hunt about his career as a youth, the hard life as-grown, upcoming goals as a national player and the state of contract talks.

Frage: Aaron Hunt, Ihr Vater ist Deutscher, Ihre Mutter kommt aus England - wie viel Engländer steckt eigentlich in Ihnen?

Aaron Hunt: Bis auf meine Familie habe ich mit England so gut wie nichts zu tun. Ich bin hier geboren, aufgewachsen und habe hier das Fußballspielen gelernt. Bis auf meine Verwandten, die noch drüben leben, gibt es keine Beziehung zu England.

Frage: Dann kam es für Sie auch nie in Betracht, für die englische - und nicht für die deutsche - Nationalmannschaft aufzulaufen?

Hunt: Mit 17 habe ich das erste Mal darüber nachgedacht und damals ziemlich schnell entschieden, für Deutschland zu spielen. Für mich gab es nie etwas anderes.

question: Did you decide on their own or have you sought our advice?

Hunt: I had consultation with my family. I have noticed that not all agree with, but rather divided. But ultimately I decided quite alone.

Question: It is not so long ago, your career was on a knife edge - and suddenly decide you could practically between two of the largest organizations in the world.

Hunt: As you can see how quickly everything can go. I was pretty much written off, the last season was my worst so far. Before that I was much hurt and had never found my form. There have always a bit lacking freshness and fitness. I could never show what I can. So it was an incredibly difficult time.

question: Did you at that time also doubt whether it ever again could work with your career as a professional?

Hunt: As far as I could not. But I realized that the time is running out. At that time I even put under extreme pressure, wanted to get away from the injury and form fluctuations. Therefore, I was in the summer clear that the be a crucial season for me.

Question: Right now you are to injury and pain free. You are therefore free again after a long time in the head?

Hunt: Definitely. It was very stressful, in mind to always have this uneasy feeling. But now everything is okay and I work hard to ensure that it stays that way.

Question: So it sounds weird: But was this difficult time for your development as a person looking back in some way a positive?

Hunt: It has made me more stable and more mature as a person. I have seen that it does not always go up can. Only when one has experienced this, we know to appreciate his health and how nice it is to play injury-free. I see things differently now. I am pleased with every game, trying to absorb everything. Before I was seven or eight months in the stands and had to watch the games from there - I would never see again.

Question: It is not a matter of course in professional business that the employer gives his workers so much time and is always forgiving - even if the player can, for example, for injuries at all.

Hunt: That's why I'm Thomas Schaaf and Klaus Allofs also so grateful. They have always supported me, especially in the heavy periods. I could always go to you, when I was not as good.

Question: You say you would make not so much about failed actions in the square as before, so you could play liberated. If you even come to this realization, or take They also help in such a mental coach right?

Hunt: I've found out for me. I used to let me go down too easily by small things. Then my body language in the bucket and my game was loaded. Because I have worked. Now, if something goes wrong, I tick off that and on we go.

Question: Have you read books on mental training?

Hunt: No, not that. But I have again looked at my games. Since I have discovered some errors. I now try not to make.

question: Not only you and your team is playing very good football again. The team has closed and conspiratorial as the years before. Has been since the summer break greater emphasis placed on team-building?

Hunt: The preparation was the same as all others before it. There was no change in size. The daily work is actually as always. But one thing is true: we draw a new team picture on the pitch, everyone is there for everyone.

Question: It sounds as if it had not always been so. Was Diego exchange for the flexibility and the associated new creativity of the Bremen game, even a kind of liberation?

Hunt: It was a lot depends on Diego, our game was tailored to him and thus we were naturally also easy to calculate. Now is the creativity auf mehrere Schultern verteilt, unser System ist nicht mehr so starr. Wir haben einige Spieler, die ihre eigenen Ideen mit dem Ball am Fuß entwickeln können. Das ist unser Erfolgsrezept für diese Saison: Wir sind kaum auszurechnen.

Frage: Werder hat innerhalb sehr kurzer Zeit einen kleinen Stilwechsel vollzogen und bekommt plötzlich jene Balance zwischen Defensiv- und Offensivverhalten hin, die die letzten Jahre gefehlt hat. Wie ging das so schnell?

Hunt: Wir haben aus dem letzten Jahr gelernt. Ich glaube, das ist die wichtigste Erkenntnis. Im Prinzip stehen immer noch dieselben Spieler auf dem Platz. Jeder hat seinen Bereich oder seinen Korridor, den er zu bearbeiten auf der jeweiligen Position hat. Das gilt auch für our midfielders and strikers who are actually focusing more aggressively.

Question: You are now a kind of exemplary professional for Werder - come from their own stables, have gone through the boarding school and are now international. Describe briefly but life in boarding school.

Hunt: At 14 am I switch from Goslar to Werder to boarding school. The first year was really hard, I was very homesick, I missed my family. Although more people are around you, but it is put very much on their own. I have often wondered whether it was the right decision. Fortunately, I had Bernd Pfeiffer someone who always had an open ear for me. That is still true today. I owe him everything.

question: Bastian Schweinsteiger often complains that he is heavier than home-grown in Bayern as team-mates have to be bought for money. VfB Stuttgart's talents, however enjoy the highest priority. How is that for Werder?

Hunt: I see it similar to the Basti. I also find it difficult. Players who are bought, have always first in the lead. One can not deny good. With all due respect and fairness to the players: But that was with me the same way.

question: Philipp Bargfrede is the next one is on the go. Give him tips?

Hunt: I must not do. Phil's not naive, but smart enough. Already knows what he's doing.

Question: In July 2010, runs from your contract. They hold up very now covered. Play poker or just pondering really a major decision?

Hunt: I've always said that I want to talk first with Werder. This we will do in the winter break. Rather, I can not say this moment.

question: What is your tendency?

Hunt: I feel comfortable here and I'm happy. In addition, part of my family is here ...

question: do your possible extension by Thomas Schaaf's future depends? His contract runs out too ...

Hunt: It would be advantageous for me, even if the coach would remain the same. I am now six years since a player of Thomas Schaaf and appreciate him both as a coach and as a person. It would be a great loss for the club if he did not stay.

Question: You are flexible, which brings many benefits. But sometimes disadvantages. Where exactly should you use for Jogi Löw in the national team?

Hunt: I see myself already in the middle, as most on the right side. Although I could play left.

question would be less competition law ...

Hunt: Wen ich dann als Konkurrenten habe, ist mir relativ egal.

Frage: Löw behält sich womöglich eine Position in der Hinterhand, die er mit einem Spieler mit einer oder mehreren Spezialfähigkeiten besetzen will. Was ist Ihre?

Hunt: Ich bin auf jeden Fall nicht ganz so schnell wie David Odonkor... Aber ich bin auch nicht der Langsamste, habe eine gute Technik und entwickle Torgefahr. Aber ich rede nicht so gerne über mich selbst oder meine Stärken.

Frage: Dann reden Sie über Ihre Schwächen.

Hunt: Das Kopfballspiel muss ich auf jeden Fall noch deutlich verbessern.

Frage: Das Finale der Europa League findet im Mai in Hamburg statt. Es gäbe für Werder hardly anything more beautiful than in the stadium of arch-rivals to win the pot ...

Hunt: First, a final in Germany for all German clubs something very special. We were so last season, already experiencing a final, unfortunately with the wrong output. It's a long way, too, we have learned in the past season. But since we want to go back.

Question: And you want to be German champions.

Hunt: This game is missing about 19 days ... We play so far a very good ball, and above it. But even now there are still a team that is better: Bayer Leverkusen. And it's not as if we had the fourth seven or eight points ahead. It's all very eng. If we beat two or three games, we are again ruckzuck sixth. Last season we were in tenth - so that no one would now expect. So we must be warned!


Of all against league leaders Leverkusen Hertha BSC will end on Friday its negative series. "Why not," says manager Michael Preetz: "We must now carry out our frustration on the square in energy."

five points in the league, only one win, eight-meter distance to the non-relegation zone - for Preetz no reason, his head already one in the sand "is often of little things to turn the situation The Clubs. Bundesliga . Closely.

draw your courage to Berlin from the defeat at FC Schalke 04 on the last matchday "This game has shown that it is possible to score points in every game - even for us. About 90 minutes was no difference seen as between a third table and an 18th the league, "says Preetz.

Indeed, the Hertha Schalke a different appearance than one week ago, during the home defeat against Frankfurt. The team was defensively organized and most were so sure that the opponents made life difficult. For the coach that's a recipe against the offensively strong leader. "We do not allow Bayer to come into play," announced Friedhelm Twinkling on.

criticism of the particular defensive tactics taught to Hertha will not be accepted. "If the defensive play us anymore," Fabian Lustenberger freely admits. And Maximilian Nicu dismisses: ". The criticism that we would destroy a game that we have in the last season is also when we get three points, it does not matter what the opposing coach said."

Since Hertha but currently little is spared, it's almost logical that twinkle must rebuild his defensive again. In Schalke replaced Christoph Janker the yellow suspended captain Arne Friedrich - and saw yellow and red. Since Frederick threatens to fail again because of complaints strips, it is now well Kaka ran - it would be only his second season use. A well-established defense is different.

Despite the changes in defense of the shoe pinches but still more on the offensive. On a structural design and gate driving game lacked the Berliners in recent weeks. That opponents Leverkusen is the best defense in the league, making the task any easier. "We need to be more effective and score goals. The fact that we do not get many chances against a good defense is clear, but the advantage we have," says Preetz.

The focus on Bayer and the last group match against Bayern is one thing, the view of the second half of the other. Even with Friedhelm Funkel circle of thought already at the start of the new year. "We want two in winter, bring three new players and start catching up," the coach confirmed at this time again: "If we are in January, well come out of the blocks, we can turn the negative over the first round a positive run .

condition: The distance to shore is saving up to Christmas is not too large. And that would actually point her against Bayer and Bayern. As it said Maximilian Nicu yet so beautiful. "Our situation is stupid, but not hopeless, it does not help if we hide ourselves now and lock the door."


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