Sunday, December 20, 2009

Very Tight Girdle And Corset

Match Report 17th Gameday Sunday matches


In northern rivals Werder Bremen kept the HSV earned the upper hand. In this case, could unsettle the Hamburg not expect that they would have after the red card against Boateng almost an hour to act in a lower number. Ultimately, the hosts were just as keen to work, Bremer, who acted over long distances too complicated, with three hits crossbar but also had bad luck.

HSV vs. Werder - did not encounter it often in the Bundesliga history. In the 91st Comparison of the two northern rivals Bruno Labbadia the same team sent into the field as 4-0 in Nuremberg. Substitute goalkeeper Hesl, Rozehnal; Tavares, Trochowski, Tesche und Berg, die in der Europa League beim 0:1 in Tel Aviv eine Chance erhalten hatten, mussten wieder auf der Bank Platz nehmen. Bei Werder nahm Thomas Schaaf nach dem 3:0 in Bilbao zwei Änderungen vor. Hunt und Marin kehrten auf Kosten von Borowski und Rosenberg zurück ins Team. Auf den Außenposition wurden die verletzten Fritz und Boenisch erneut von Prödl und Pasanen vertreten.

Bei schwierigen Platzverhältnissen waren es die Hamburger, die deutlich besser ins Spiel fanden. Das Resultat war die frühere Führung durch Mathijsen, der am Fünfmeterraum unbedrängt einköpfte, nachdem Jansen Aogos Ecke am ersten Pfosten verlängert hatte (9.). Werder agierte in der Anfangsphase zu umständlich und leistete too many bad passes. Unlike HSV, who recited his attacks again and again quickly. Above all, Jansen and Elia provided on the left constantly for danger. Time and again ran up against the Hamburg moved back four score narrowly offside.

Only after about 25 minutes took only get better in the game and sat with Naldo in a first sign of the offensive. A nice side, pull out the Brazilian slapped on the bar (27). In return, Elia scored almost 2:0, was disturbed by Demel's cross from the right at the far post from Prödl but still critical. But Werder acted now more determined. In a counter-Boateng Marin had only the right of the Bremen shortly before der Strafraumgrenze zu Fall brachte und von Schiedsrichter Florian Meyer dafür die Rote Karte sah (32.).

Der HSV hatte die richtige Antwort parat, allerdings unter gütiger Mithilfe von Tim Wiese. Nachdem Jansen von Elia schön in die Gasse geschickt worden war, eilte der Werder-Keeper völlig unnötig weit aus seinem Tor, kam mit seiner Grätsche jedoch zu spät. Aus 26 Metern schoss Jansen ins verwaiste Werder-Tor zum 2:0 ein. Die Gäste hatten durch Prödl (40.) zwar die Chance zum Anschlusstreffer, mussten kurz vor der Pause nach einer Ecke aber fast noch den dritten Gegentreffer hinnehmen. Diesmal war Wiese jedoch zur Stelle. Mathijsens Schuss aus kurzer Distanz entschärfte der Bremer-Keeper in spektakulärer Manner on the line.

left after the break, the HSV expected to fall slightly. Werder had much more possession, but did so what to do. The better chances were depleted hosts, who were always on the left. Petric considered meadow for strong individual action twice from 20 meters (52./57.). Schaaf responded, took over as demanded by the field as Prödl Özil. Rosenberg and Borowski should bring a fresh wind. Besides a variety of standards for the Bremen jumped out but not much. After a free kick was offered Hunt a great opportunity for connection. Six feet in front of goal hit the ball but the Bremen not correct (65).

left in the final phase, the forces in the hamburgers for more. Werder threw everything forward again. But (Frings and Borowski found rust in their master) in addition to the precision of Bremen lacked the luck. Within seconds Hunt and Marin failed as they already Naldo in the first round of the crossbar. In injury time, Naldo was headed but still got 1:2, and soon after was the sometimes heated Derby, in addition to the referee Meyer Red against yellow Boateng also distributed eight times, yet, however.

This winters of HSV, for which there is on 16 January against SC Freiburg goes on to fourth place. Werder guest on the same day as a table sixth in Frankfurt.

first FC KÖLN - 1 FC Nürnberg 3:0 (1:0)

Cologne secured in the basement battle against Nuremberg a deserved success, made a jump to 12th place and tightened while the situation among the Franks, as the second last with four points behind the saving banks of the winter . The Soldo-Eleven was all the way, the more active team and the offensive not take place and consider the defense vulnerable guests in all matters.

Cologne's coach Zvonimir Soldo had after the 0-0 draw at SC Freiburg replace the yellow blocked Maniche, ran aground for Yalcin. It furthermore found Brecko Schorch for the train.

Nuremberg Coach Michael Oenning changed his starting lineup after the 0-4 home defeat against Hamburg SV on four positions at: Judt, Bieler, cracks and Boakye played for Diekmeier, Maroh, Nordveidt and Eigler.

As in many other stadiums in Cologne there was heavy snowfall. Hard-working helpers had the place almost completely free of snow, but the pitch was playable difficult because very slippery.

The initial phase was the hosts who tried to combine the defense lines of the FCN. This was accomplished twice, and led to opportunities by Yalcin (7) and especially Novakovic, whose header whizzed inches past (10).

Nuremberg acted zumeist mit langen Pässen, Ballstafetten blieben meist schon im Ansatz stecken. Nur Risse gelang bei den schüchternen Angriffsversuchen der Gäste eine eher versehentliche Torannäherung, als seine verkappte Flanke sich gefährlich aufs kurze Eck senkte und erstmals Mondragon auf den Plan rief (9.). Ansonsten blieben die "Geißböcke" das aktivere und ballsicherere Team, auch Chihi fehlten bei seinem Distanzschuss nur Zentimeter zur Führung (17.).

Danach nahm sich die Partie eine erste Auszeit, viele Fehlpässe schon im Mittelfeld hemmten den Spielfluss. Vor allem die Franken waren im Vorwärtsgang weiterhin sehr unkonzentriert, spätestens kurz nach der Mittellinie verlor die Oenning-Elf den Ball. Es fehlte at discharge, remained the dominant team of the Rhineland.

Up to 37th Minutes was the club back at least safe until a standard initiated by the leadership of the deserving Soldo-Elf: Chihis corner kick flew away from the gate to the six-yard box, where Geromel rose highest and headed onto the left corner. FCN keeper Stephan was still there, diverted the ball and prevented involuntary, that Boakye was cleared off the line - 1 Goal of the season of the defender.

Both coaches sent to the restart, the same staff to the field. And the gameplay remained unchanged. Cologne entertained the guests with ease at bay and remained the more dangerous team. Only Stephen Glanztat against Novakovic, Petit free-kick after presentation was entirely free from eight yards out to head ball, held the Oenning protégés still in the game at least for now (57th). Three minutes later Podolski could not use the excursion of the Club Keepers, he had some clever curving around to the right wing already, because he simply was not completed.

Oenning reacted to the very poor idea of \u200b\u200bhis team that in the offensive, was not to be beaten innocence - Gundogan and Charisteas came for Mintal and Boakye (62) could, but neither set the tone.

Novakovic grabbed the victory then into dry clothes: Judt got on the right side of the leather on Chihi, after the brilliant solo Podolski links anspielte. Novakovic verwertete die punktgenaue Hereingabe des Nationalspielers aus sechs Metern mühelos (70.).

Yalcin hatte schon das 3:0 auf dem Fuß (76.), das nur eine Minute später erneut Novakovic erzielte: Petit brachte eine Ecke von der linken Seite in die Mitte, wo sich Novakovic entschlossen zum Ball bewegte und vor Wolf hoch ins linke Eck einnickte.

Passend zum Tag sah Judt nach verlorenem Laufduell mit Podolski noch die Ampelkarte (84.) - der letzte "Höhepunkt" der Partie.

Die Geißböcke haben ihr erstes Spiel nach der Winterpause am 17. Januar zu Hause gegen Borussia Dortmund. Der Club macht sich am selben Tag auf die Reise zum FC Schalke 04.


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